Dr. Thomas Muyldermans is erkend plastisch, reconstructief en esthetisch chirurg en is lid van de Royal Belgian Society of Plastic Surgery (RBSPS). Hij is tevens Fellow van het Collegium Chirurgicum Plasticum (FCCP).
- Dr Muyldermans startte zijn studies geneeskunde aan het Limburgs Universitair Centrum en behaalde zijn diploma arts (magna cum laude) in 2008 aan de Katholieke Universiteit van Leuven (KUL). Vervolgens volgde hij een opleiding van 2 jaar Algemene Heelkunde en specialiseerde hij zich nadien gedurende 4 jaar in de Plastische, reconstructieve en esthetische heelkunde via de KU Leuven. Hij werkte in die jaren onder te UZ Leuven en Sankt-Nikolaus Hospital Eupen, AZ Groeninge Kortrijk en CMDHB Auckland New Zealand. Door deze diversiteit aan stageplaatsen, zowel in binnenland als in buitenland, is Dr Muyldermans in alle takken van de plastische, reconstructieve, esthetische heelkunde en handchirurgie vakkundig opgeleid.
- In 2014 behaalde hij, met grootste onderscheiding, het hoogste resultaat nationaal op het eindexamen plastische heelkunde van het Collegium Chirurgicum Plasticum.
- Sinds 1 augustus 2014 is hij staflid aan de dienst plastische heelkunde van het Jessa Ziekenhuis Hasselt en werkte hij gedurende 4 jaar in associatie samen met Dr Franz Van Genechten. In het Jessa ziekenhuis maakt Dr Muyldermans ook deel uit van het multidisciplinair borstcentrum in het kader van de reconstructieve borstchirurgie.
- Dr Muyldermans diepte zijn kennis van de esthetische chirurgie verder uit door verscheidene bezoeken aan buitenlandse faculteiten en hij schoolde zich bij in de nieuwste technieken van borstreconstructies, esthetische chirurgie (gelaat, borst en bodycontouring) en injectables op cursussen en congressen in Parijs, Amsterdam, Groningen, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Luxemburg, Barcelona, Madrid, Londen, Lissabon, Gardone, Stockholm, Auckland (New Zealand), Queenstown (New Zealand), Dallas (USA) en New York (USA).
- Dr Muyldermans is lid van ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons).
- 12/05/23 – 13/05/23: Breast live surgical Masterclass internal bra mastopexy, Londen, UK
- 31/08/23 – 02/09/23: ISAPS Olympiad world congress Athens, Greece
- 29/09/23 – 01/10/23: CATBBAS VI meeting Brussels
- 26/11/22: RBSPS autumn meeting oculoplastic surgery, Brussels
- 16/06/22: Macs lift and microfat course Ghent
- 03/06/22 – 05/06/22: IMCAS Paris
- 30/01/20 – 01/02/20: IMCAS Paris
- 27/04/19: RBSPS Spring meeting rhinoplasty Brussels
- 26/04/19: ICOPLAST aesthetic Symposium Brussels
- 31/01/19 – 02/02/19: IMCAS Paris
- 06/11/18 – 07/11/18: Allergan MD codes tour Distinction, filler injections, Stockholm, Sweden
17/05/18 – 19/05/18: EURAPS congres, Madrid, Spain
- 30/11/2017 – 02/12/2017: The Cutting Edge 37th Aesthetic Surgery Symposium, “Advanced Rejuvenation of the Face, Breast & Body”, New York, USA
- 15/11/2017 – 17/11/2017: 18th International Perforator Course, Gent
- 11/10/2017 – 12/10/2017: Allergan MD codes tour: Filler techniques, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- 11/05/2017 – 12/05/2017: Mentor course in surgical excellence: Aesthetic en reconstructive breast surgery, Hamburg, Germany
- 22/04/2017: Spring Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Microsurgery, Brussels
- 26/01/2017 – 29/01/2017: IMCAS World Congress, International Master Course on Aging Skin, Paris, France
- 30/09/2016 – 02/10/2016: CATBBAS Controversies, Art and Technology in Breast and Body contouruing aesthetic surgery, Brussels, Belgium
- 15/09/2016 – 17/09/2016: Motiva congress on ergonomic implants, Gardone, Italy
- 16/06/2016 – 17/06/2016: Breast days Integra, Lissabon, Portugal
- 19/05/2016 – 21/05/2016: Paris Breast Rendez-Vous, Paris, France
- 30/04/2016: Spring Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Body Contouring, Spa
- 23/04/2015 – 24/04/2015: Mentor Excellence in Breast Surgery, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 11/03/2015 – 13/03/2015: Barcelona Breast Meeting, Barcelona, Spain
- 04/12/2014 – 06/12/2014: The Cutting Edge 34th Aesthetic Surgery Symposium, New York, USA
- 10/05/2014: Spring Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Facelift, Knokke
- 19/03/2014 – 21/03/2014: Excellence in Rhinoplasty Course, Leuven
- 07/03/2014 – 09/03/2014: 31st Dallas Rhinoplasty Course, Dallas; USA
- 05/03/2014 – 06/03/2014: 17th Annual Dallas Cosmetic Surgery Symposium, Dallas, USA
- 07/12/2013: Autumn Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Brussels
- 28/11/2013: Breast Augmentation “Measurement and Planning” Workshop Allergan, Brussels
- 21/11/2013: Fillers and Botox Advanced Workshop (Merz Aesthetics Benelux), Ghent
- 24/10/2013: Fillers Workshop (Merz Aesthetics Benelux), Leuven
- 14/09/2013: Mentor Symposium on Breast Surgery, Brussels
- 13/08/2012 – 15/08/2012: 2012 New Zealand Conference of Hand Surgery; Queenstown, NZ
- 28/04/2012: Spring Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Hasselt
- 18/11/2011 – 27/01/2012: Microsurgery practising (43 hours): Rats: ETE and ETS carotid artery, Femoral artery and vein
- 15/10/2011: Autumn Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Brussels
- 24/09/2011: Mertz Aesthetics Symposium: Injectables, Mechelen
- 08/06/2011 – 10/06/2011: Plastic Surgery Master Course on Perforator Flaps (Covidien), Paris, France
- 30/04/2011: Spring Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Ghent
- 01/04/2011 – 04/04/2011: Microsurgery Course. Brussels
- 24/03/2011 – 25/03/2011: Surgical Academy Hand Instructional Course (Mitek), Luxembourg
- 28/01/2011 – 29/01/2011: Workshop on Free Flaps and Island flaps. Liège
- 21/10/2010: Autumn Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: Rhinoplasty, Brussels
- 12/11/2010 – 13/11/2010: Second Bob Huffstadt International Conference “Around the Trunk and Body Fat”. Groningen (Netherlands)
- 23/10/2010: Autumn Meeting Belgian Hand Group. Ghent
- 10/10/2009: Autumn Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: Liposuction-Lipofilling. Brussels
- 14/10/2009 – 16/10/2009: AO Trauma Course: Principles in operative fracture management. Ovifat
- 16/05/2009: Spring Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: Aesthetic Breast Surgery. Brussels
- 29/04/2009 – 02/05/2009: Belgian Surgical Week, Oostende
- 26/04/2008: Spring Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Antwerp
- 19/01/2008: State of the Art of Breast Reconstruction after Breast Cancer. Brussels
- 17/11/2007: Autumn Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic,Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Leuven
• Aortic Valve Lymphoma Presenting as Acute Coronary Syndrome. O. Yazar, T. Muyldermans, U. Mees, R. Achten, R. Geukens, M. Hendrikx. The Journal of Heart Valve Disease. 2008:17;130-132.
• First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flap for Thumb Reconstruction. T. Muyldermans. R. Hierner. Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr. 2009 Apr;4(1):27-33. Epub 2009 Apr 2.
• Presentation Autumn Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Leuven (17/11/2007): Reconstruction of the Anophthalmic Orbit: A Case report.
• Presentation Spring Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Antwerp (26/04/2008):First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flap for Thumb Reconstruction: A Retrospective Clinical Study.
• Presentation Resident’s Seminar, Leuven (15/09/2008): First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flap for Thumb Reconstruction: A Retrospective Clinical Study.
• Presentation Belgian Surgical Week, Oostende (26/04/2009): First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flap for Thumb Reconstruction: A Retrospective Clinical Study.
• Presentation Spring Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Ghent (30/04/11): Tibialis anterior advancement flap in combination with adipofascial turn-over perforator flap in covering mid-tibial exposure after necrotizing fasciitis of the leg: A case report
• Presentation Autumn Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Brussels (15/10/11): Chemosis as a complication after lower blepharoplasty
• Presentation Autumn Meeting Royal Belgian Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Brussels (15/10/11): Pedicled anterolateral thigh flap for perineal reconstruction after posterior infralevatoric pelvic exenteration: Case reports
• Organisation BRA day (Breast Reconstruction Awareness day), Jessa hospital Hasselt (21/10/15)
• Presentation BRCA Congress University Hasselt, Hasselt (23/04/16)